The groupd diva. Emmett is an affable and insightful kind of fellow. He lives life in a way that suggests it's too short to be taken for granted - proud and fabulous - but that doesn't mean he is reckless. He' go to the ends of the Earth for his friends.
With his see-through tops, and shame-resistant slacks, Emmett has to be voted the "Most-Likely-To-Stop-Traffic" on Liberty Avenue. But if you look beyond his queerliscious wardrobe and witty repartee, this "retail queen" is also a man of integrity and an observer of human nature who truly enjoys offering advice to anyone who needs it, whether they ask for it or not.
Emmett and Ted are simply best friends, and he's a great friend of Michael too.

"I may be a slut, but at least I'm an honest slut"
"Pink Champagne - that's too nelly even for me"
[Emmet] "I decided I need to explore the part of me that isn't gay"
[Brian] "And what part would that be??"

[Emmett] "Go to her Justin; teach her what it is to be a real woman."
[Brian] "Like somebody taught you?"
[Emmett] "You're just jealous because we have what you don't."
[Brian] "Anal warts?"

"Well, I could be a-a-a real man if I wanted to. You know, just, lower my voice. Stop gesturing with my hands. Make sure my face is expressionless. Never, never use words like-like 'fabulous' or 'diviiine.' Talk about, I don't know, [deep voice] nailing bitches and RBIs. [regular voice, lifts arms over his head] But I'd rather my flame burn bright than be some puny little pilot light."

[Emmett about Ted] “you break his heart, I break your face!"
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